Volunteer in the UK
What you would learn
First and foremost, you would have the opportunity to be mentored by Christian believers who want to see you grow in your personal faith. They would encourage you in personal spiritual disciplines and provide both training and opportunities for using what you are learning. Basics in growing as a disciple of Christ, how to articulate your faith to others, in an appropriate way in the UK, encouraging local believers, and fellowships are just part of the experience.
What you would do
Beyond the personal development side, you would be volunteering under the direction of your mentor in a local church or ministry to implement what you are learning. This would involve regular debriefing, etc. as part of the learning process. Examples of types of work could be helping with a youth or children’s club, local cafe ministry, assistance in preparing for local worship services and meetings, social ministries such as food distribution, clothes ministries, Mother and Toddler groups, etc. It would be customized to your gifting and interests, as well as the local needs. Click here to see a sample job description
Next Steps
Read through our Statement of Faith
Read through Volunteer Expectations
Look through our current open jobs
*Please Note: UK Visa requirements define a volunteer as a person who comes completed funded from outside the UK. No employment can be taken by you (or spouse, is coming with you) while serving in the UK. You will have to show that you can support yourself and any dependents from outside the UK (i.e money is given to you from churches, family or friends OR you are completely self-funded such as retiree).
Who needs a Visa in the UK?
Anyone on a UK Tourist Visa (good for up to 6 months) can volunteer with any registered charity or church for up to 30 days (can be non-consecutive) without the need for a visa. See CHW1.8
If you intend on volunteering for more than 30 days, then you need a Charity worker visa that can last up to 12 months (but then you must leave the UK and not return as a volunteer until 12 months have passed).
No NHS health care supplement payment is needed, unless you stay between 6 months and the maximum 12 months).